God’s timing for an understanding of eschatology is now. It can be understood as clearly as Jesus first coming if we just know what to watch for from the Bible. My hope is that after reading this book that you will know more than 90% on the topic of eschatology than even most pastors & scholars. Thank you for your support! God bless.
“And those of the people who understand shall instruct many”Daniel 11:33
Good point. That’s a separate battle when Satan has been released from pit after the millennium. Gog & Magog reemerge, Not many details there other than God doesn’t waste anytime with destroying Gog & Magog with fire. Pretty quick and short battle there with no aftermath of burying the dead for 7 months etc…God cast Satan in lake of fire and then the Great White Throne Judgment.
Just bought “ The EndTime is Now”. Can’t wait to read
God’s timing for an understanding of eschatology is now. It can be understood as clearly as Jesus first coming if we just know what to watch for from the Bible. My hope is that after reading this book that you will know more than 90% on the topic of eschatology than even most pastors & scholars. Thank you for your support! God bless.
“And those of the people who understand shall instruct many”Daniel 11:33
Good point. That’s a separate battle when Satan has been released from pit after the millennium. Gog & Magog reemerge, Not many details there other than God doesn’t waste anytime with destroying Gog & Magog with fire. Pretty quick and short battle there with no aftermath of burying the dead for 7 months etc…God cast Satan in lake of fire and then the Great White Throne Judgment.