Again as was mentioned, the timing of “The Rapture” is not salvation related, just the timing of said salvation. I fell away from a Pre Tribulation view to a pre wrath view, but didn’t stay there long, after much study I’m back to the Pre Tribulation view.

I will say, I am open to the thought that the first seal could be a setup to the start of the Tribulation.

The folks who hold to other than the Pre-Tribulation view, always omit this verse (in the Letter to the Church at Philadelphia) from the Revelation 3:10; “Because you have kept my command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of the trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth.”

Also Paul, after telling us about the Rapture in 1st Thessalonians 4:13-17, in verse 18: “Therefore comfort one another with these words.”

I don’t think he meant to say comfort one another because yay, we get to go through the Tribulation!

And 1st Thessalonians 5:9 For God has not destined us for wrath….

What do you call the judgements in the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ? The seals and trumpets are “The wrath of The Lamb” and the Bowl Judgements are “The wrath of God”

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Jan 7
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I pray he doesn’t! You are right though, no matter how bad it gets you can’t take the mark! I pray we don’t have to go through it as Paul said we are not destined for wrath!

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Len I encourage you to read the publication you’re commenting on…I used to be in your thought process until my eyes were opened through the Bible to many passages I wasn’t being shown. It’s vital that we get this right Biblically so that we as Christians are able to navigate the future that lies just before us. This is the Blessing that Revelation refers to. It’s having an understanding to clearly navigate during the last days in order to continue to get the gospel to people. Knowing what’s coming before it comes is advantage we will have that the enemy will not.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…Hosea 4:6

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For those interested,

The Hour Of The Wrath Of God can be found in this update: “THE GREAT COMMISSION during THE GREAT TRIBULATION”


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I can’t believe people are still promoting this false teaching.

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Absolutely. Get it right, learn your history. Figure out who Darby and Schofield are, learn about shcofields fruits, look up Darby's translational… differences from conventional versions, and realize futurism was created by Jesuits (agents of the beast from the sea), specifically Francisco riebers, refined by Darby, and perfected by Cyrus schofield, destroying protestantism, western eschatology (historicism is the truth), and ultimately obfuscating the beast that ruled for 1400 years , enjoying supremacy often the European continent. Very soon she will make her return and the world will marvel after this new globalized church state union.

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